Top 10k strings from Linkword Spanish (1984)(Silversoft)(Part 04 of 10).z80
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8 ;"You will now be given the ": 4 ;"THIS SECTION (YES/NO)?": 4 ;"DO YOU WISH TO REPEAT"; 4 );"words in SPANISH" 4 );"words in ENGLISH" 4 " Please type in the SPANISH " 4 " Please type in the ENGLISH " 2 TIENE UN TORO?" 2 DATA2=9140 2 ;F$(I2-I,2 2 ;E$(I2-I,2 2 ;"SPANISH"; 2 ;"Imagine ";D$( 2 ;"HERE ARE THE ANSWERS": 2 ;"ENGLISH"; 2 "THE DOG AND THE FROG ARE BLACK." 2 "For example:" 1 sentence translation 1 lease note that you have to " 1 TIENE UNA FLOR?","HE EATS A GOAT","COME UNA CABRA." 1 MAIN CONTROL LOOP 1 INITIALISE 1 IN THE GARDEN 1 GROUP 4 GRAMMAR 1 GROUP 4 DAYS OF THE WEEK 1 GROUP 3 GRAMMAR 1 GROUP 3 ADJECTIVES 1 GRAMMAR SECTION 2 1 GIVE ANSWERS IN SPANISH 1 GIVE ANSWERS IN ENGLISH 1 ES UN TORO? is Is it a bull?" 1 ES UN CESPED VERDE?","IS IT A GREEN LAWN?"," 1 ES LA SENDA O LA ESCALERA?","IS IT THE PATH OR THE 1 ES LA NOCHE?","IS IT THE NIGHT?"," 1 ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR 1 DISPLAY FOREIGN WORDS 1 DATA2=9200 1 DATA2=9180 1 DATA2=9170 1 DATA2=9150 1 DATA1=9190 1 DATA1=9160 1 D$="THE "+D$ 1 D$="Imagine "+D$: 1 ANSWERS FOREIGN TO ENGLISH 1 ANSWERS ENGLISH TO FOREIGN 1 ;"translate into Spanish.": 1 ;"sentences into Spanish.": 1 ;"sentences into English.": 1 ;"presents" 1 ;"correct position." 1 ;"black & white TV, (C) if you "; 1 ;"are using a colour TV." 1 ;"are useful adjectives.": 1 ;"and then press (ENTER)" 1 ;"You should now listen to the audio tape which accompanies the course." 1 ;"YOU HAVE NOW COMPLETED THE"; 1 ;"What is the Spanish for" 1 ;"What is the English for" 1 ;"The next word:" 1 ;"The following group of words"; 1 ;"The first word:": 1 ;"The Spanish for "; 1 ;"THE GRUNEBERG LINKWORD"; 1 ;"TAPE RECORDER" 1 ;"SPANISH SECTION 4" 1 ;"SOME MORE GRAMMAR": 1 ;"SOME ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR" 1 ;"SOME ADJECTIVES" 1 ;"S I L V E R S O F T"; 1 ;"Press SPACE or ENTER.": 1 ;"Press PLAY on the tape recorder"; 1 ;"Press (B) if you are using a"; 1 ;"Please enter your choice." 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY & TURN OFF THE"; 1 ;"Now translate the following"; 1 ;"LANGUAGE SYSTEM" 1 ;"IN THE GARDEN": 1 ;"Here are some more sentences to"; 1 ;"HERE IS SOME MORE GRAMMAR.": 1 ;"HERE ARE THE ANSWERS" 1 ;"GROUP 4"; 1 ;"GROUP 3"; 1 ;"GROUP 2"; 1 ;"GROUP 1"; 1 ;"FOURTH PART OF THE COURSE" 1 ;"Ensure that the tape is in the"; 1 ;"DAYS OF THE WEEK" 1 ;"BYE BYE!" 1 ;"3. To quit." 1 ;"2. To load the next section." 1 ;"1. To run this section again." 1 ;"(";P$(I,2 1 ;"(";P$(I);")": 1 ;" Now translate the following "; 1 ;" Press ENTER to continue." 1 9(LA) FLOR5ARBOL 6PLANTA 5FRUTA 6TIERRA 6CESPED 8ESTANQUE 5SENDA 4BAYA 1 6FLOWER 4TREE 1 )+" is "+F$(I,2 1 "you play DOMINOS on a Sunday evening with your family before pushing them off to bed." 1 "you always burn MARTYRS on Tuesdays." 1 "you SEND A friend along a path." 1 "you BUY A berry." 1 "waiting in HORROR for the hour to strike." 1 "too, so you make TRANQUILO into" 1 "tone of voice, YOU DO NOT need" 1 "to change the word order." 1 "throwing a HARD BALL against a tree." 1 "throwing FRUIT at a 1 "thinking that prices were HIGHER yesterday." 1 "thinking everything is DEAR during the day." 1 "then the ending of the adjective" 1 "then the Spanish is" 1 "the word ON out." 1 "the moment." 1 "the day." 1 "that the Spanish for 'IS' is " 1 "telling someone, that they had better do something SOON, PRONTO." 1 "stage. This is about the hardest" 1 "someone who MOOCHES fromyou MUCH of the time. MUCHO and MUCH also sound similar." 1 "someone who ALWAYS 1 "showing your BARE KNEES on Friday, to celebrate the end of the week." 1 "scattering seeds in yourSEMOLINA." 1 "quickly etc." 1 "quick just now, when it ran away" 1 "quick dog, it always moves " 1 "praying for MIRACLES on Wednesday so that the end of the week will hurry up." 1 "part of the grammar. All you " 1 "other words where you might say" 1 "only LOONIES go to work on a Monday." 1 "not get everything right at this" 1 "need to remember is why ES and" 1 "means The cat is being good at" 1 "means It is a good cat." 1 "make the the adjective plural" 1 "keeping time to the 1 "is LA VACA COME LOS SABADOS": 1 "is EL PERRO COME LOS MARTES" 1 "in the sentence, this will" 1 "in English ON TUESDAYS, then in Spanish you make it plural" 1 "if you mean by ON TUESDAY:" 1 "going to a SEMINAR once a week." 1 "giving a bullfighter a potted PLANT." 1 "getting LESS - a MINUS quantity." 1 "for the word IS in Spanish" 1 "description will be temporary," 1 "coming across a stagnantpond, and IT STANK." 1 "buying flowers from a FLORist." 1 "being in a MESS once a month." 1 "being given a MASS of food, and your host giving you MORE and more." 1 "at the end of the sentence is" 1 "and you would use the word ESTA." 1 "and use LOS." 1 "and feminine word together,like" 1 "an earthen TIARA." 1 "always masculine and plural." 1 "almost always mean that the" 1 "about days of the week; you miss" 1 "a year is ANNUAL." 1 "a bullfighter tapping his feet every SECOND." 1 "a bullfighter killing a bull once a MINUTE." 1 "a CESSPIT in the middle of your lawn." 1 "You use ESTA for something 1 "You should also note:" 1 "You do not say ON when talking" 1 "YOU WAVE us goodbye on 1 "When you have a masculine and" 1 "There are, however, two words" 1 "The way to ask questions in" 1 "The dog is quick that it is a " 1 "The Spanish for ARE is SON" 1 "TRANQUILOS." 1 "TRANQUILOS HOY." 1 "THE SHIRT AND THE COAT ARE NOT ALWAYS BLACK.","LA CAMISA Y EL ABRIGO NO SON SIEMPRE NEGROS." 1 "THE GARDEN AND THE LAWN ARE 1 "THE DOG AND THE CAT ARE QUIET" 1 "THE COW AND THE BULL ARE VERY GOOD.","LA VACA Y EL TORO SON MUY 1 "THE BED AND THE TABLE ARE ALWAYSBLACK","LA CAMA Y LA MESA SON SIEMPRE NEGRAS.","THE BLUE CURTAIN AND THE GREEN DRAWER ARE OLD." 1 "Spanish word for ARE is" 1 "Spanish is simple. It is by" 1 "So, ON TUESDAY is LOS MARTES, " 1 "So the sentence:" 1 "Saturday is the Jewish SABBATH." 1 "ON TUESDAYS is LOS MARTES" 1 "NOCTUrnal animals are out at night." 1 "NO, EL GATO NO COME LOS JUEVES Y LOS MIERCOLES.","NO THE CAT DOES NOT EAT ON 1 "NEXT TUESDAY." 1 "LOS MARTES EL PERRO COME LA 1 "LOS DOMINGOS LA NOCHE ESTA 1 "LA VACA ES RAPIDA.","THE COW IS QUICK.","(IT IS A QUICK COW.)" 1 "LA SEMILLA ES NEGRA.","THE SEED IS BLACK." 1 "LA PLANTA Y LA BAYA SON ROJAS.","THE PLANT AND THE BERRY ARE RED " 1 "LA FLOR Y EL ARBOL ESTAN MUY BONITOS HOY.","THE FLOWER AND THE TREE ARE 1 "LA CORTINA AZUL Y EL CAJON 1 "LA CAMA ES SOLAMENTE DURA.","THE BED IS ONLY HARD." 1 "In the first section we learned" 1 "In Spanish:" 1 "In Spanish you miss out " 1 "Imagine thinking OY! Today's the" 1 "If you put the word TODAY" 1 "If you mean that the dog was" 1 "If you mean EVERY Tuesday (in" 1 "If ARE is temporary, then the" 1 "IT IS A TABLE","ES UNA MESA.","HAS HE A FLOWER?"," 1 "IT IS A PIG","ES UN PUERCO.","HE HAS A DOG","TIENE UN PERRO" 1 "IT IS A BULL is also ES UN TORO" 1 "I, he, it, etc." 1 "Here is another exampe:" 1 "HE HAS A BULL is TIENE UN TORO" 1 "HAS HE A BULL? is also ": 1 "For example: If you mean by" 1 "ESTA are different." 1 "ES LA SEMANA, LA HORA, Y EL DIA","IT IS THE WEEK, THE HOUR AND THE DAY."," 1 "EL SUELO Y LA PARED SON 1 "EL RATON ESTA RAPIDO","THE MOUSE IS QUICK.","(THE MOUSE MOVED QUICKLY.)" 1 "EL PULPO ESTA TRANQUILO.","THE OCTUPUS IS FRESH.","(THE OCTUPUS IS FRESH NOW.)" 1 "EL PEZ ESTA FRESCO.","THE FISH IS FRESH." 1 "EL PERRO Y LA RANA SON NEGROS." 1 "EL PERRO Y EL GATO ESTAN" 1 "EL PERRO COME LOS LUNES,LOS 1 "EL OSO ESTA MALO.","THE BEAR IS BAD." 1 "EL ESTANQUE ES MUY PROFUNDO.","THE POND IS VERY DEEP." 1 "EL ELEFANTE ESTA TRANQUILO.","THE ELEPHANT IS QUIET.","(IT IS A QUIET ELEPHANT.)" 1 "EL CESPED ES VERDE Y LA PLANTA ES BLANCA","THE LAWN IS GREEN AND THE PLANT IS WHITE." 1 "EL BURRO QUIERE MENOS PATO Y MAS POLLO.","THE DONKEY WANTS LESS DUCK AND MORE CHICKEN." 1 "EL BURRO ESTA TRANQUILO.","THE DONKEY IS QUIET."," (THE DONKEY IS QUIET JUST NOW.)" 1 "EL ARBOL ES MUY PEQUENO.","THE TREE IS VERY SMALL." 1 "DOES HE HAVE A BULL? is also" 1 "9(LA) FLOR","5ARBOL","6PLANTA","5FRUTA","6TIERRA","6CESPED","8ESTANQUE","5SENDA","4BAYA","7SEMILLA" 1 "8TEE EMPO","8SEGOONDO","8MEENOOTO","3ORA","6SEMANA","3MES","4ANYO","5DEE A","7NO CHAY","5A YER" 1 "6TIEMPO","7SEGUNDO","6MINUTO","4HORA","6SEMANA","3MES","3ANO","8(EL)DIA","9(LA)NOCHE","4AYER" 1 "6PRONTO","6MOOCHO","3MAS","5MENOS","SEE EMPRAY" 1 "6PRONTO","5MUCHO","3MAS","5MENOS","7SIEMPRE" 1 "6MONDAY","7TUESDAY","9WEDNESDAY","8THURSDAY","6FRIDAY","8SATURDAY","6SUNDAY" 1 "6LOONES","6MARTES","MEE ERCOLES","8HOO EVES","9VEE ERNES","6SABADO","8DOMEENGO" 1 "6FLOWER","4TREE","5PLANT","5FRUIT","5EARTH","4LAWN","4POND","4PATH","5BERRY","4SEED" 1 "5LUNES","6MARTES","9MIERCOLES","6JUEVES","7VIERNES","6SABADO","7DOMINGO" 1 "4TIME","6SECOND","6MINUTE","4HOUR","4WEEK","5MONTH","4YEAR","3DAY","5NIGHT","9YESTERDAY" 1 "4SOON","4MUCH","4MORE","4LESS","6ALWAYS" 1 "4FLOR","5ARBOL","6PLANTA","6FROOTA","8TEE ERRA","7THESPED","8ESTANKAY","5SENDA","4BAYA","8SEMEELYA" 1 "(SON), where ARE is permanent." 1 " You must not worry if you do " 1 " To display the answer simply": 1 " ON SUNDAYS is LOS DOMINGOS" 1 " -ESTA and ES." 1 " is EL GATO ESTA BUENO HOY.": 1 " is THE COW IS FRESH." 1 " Then the Spanish is" 1 " The Spanish word for TODAY" 1 " TRANQUILOS." 1 " EL PERRO Y EL GATO SON" 1 " THE DOG EATS ON TUESDAYS" 1 " THE COW EATS ON SATURDAYS" 1 temporary, and you use the word ES for something permanent." 1 press ~ENTER~" 1 bullfighter." 1 VIERNES Y LOS SABADOS.","THE DOG EATS ON MONDAYS,FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS." 1 VERY PRETTY TODAY." 1 VERDE SON VIEJOS." 1 Thursdays." 1 THURSDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS." 1 THE CAT IS GOOD TODAY." 1 TEMPO of the music." 1 STAIRCASE? ","ES LA HIJA, NO EL HIJO.","IT IS THE DAUGHTER NOT THE SON. " 1 SOLAMENTE AMARILLOS.","THE FLOOR AND THE WALL ARE ONLY YELLOW." 1 SIMPERS." 1 SEE EMPRAY 6LOONES 6MARTES MEE ERCOLES8HOO EVES 9VEE ERNES 6SABADO 8DOMEENGO 1 PRONTO NEGRA.","ON SUNDAYS THE NIGHT IS SOON BLACK." 1 PLEASE NOTE" 1 LA VACA ESTA FRESCA" 1 FRUTA.","ON TUESDAY THE DOG EATS THE 1 FRESH AND GREEN.","EL JARDIN Y EL CESPED SON 1 FRESCOS Y VERDES." 1 EL PERRO ESTA RAPIDO." 1 EL PERRO ES RAPIDO " 1 EL GATO ESTA BUENO" 1 EL GATO ES BUENO" 1 8SEMEELYA 8TEE EMPO 8SEGOONDO 8MEENOOTO 3ORA 1 8(EL)DIA 9(LA)NOCHE4AYER 1 7SEMILLA 6TIEMPO 7SEGUNDO 6MINUTO 4HORA 1 7NO CHAY 5A YER 1 6SEMANA 3MES 1 6SEMANA 3MES 1 6SECOND 6MINUTE 4HOUR 1 6PRONTO 5MUCHO 3MAS 1 6PRONTO 6MOOCHO 3MAS 1 6PLANTA 6FROOTA 8TEE ERRA 7THESPED 8ESTANKAY 5SENDA 1 6ALWAYS 6MONDAY 7TUESDAY 9WEDNESDAY8THURSDAY 6FRIDAY 8SATURDAY 6SUNDAY 1 5PLANT 5FRUIT 5EARTH 4LAWN 1 5NIGHT 9YESTERDAY4SOON 1 5MONTH 4YEAR 1 5MENOS 7SIEMPRE 5LUNES 6MARTES 9MIERCOLES6JUEVES 7VIERNES 6SABADO 7DOMINGO 1 5BERRY 4SEED 1 (It is a quick dog.)" 1 'The cat is good.'" 1 "THE DOG AND THE CAT ARE QUIET."